Start your claim anytime, anywhere

Don't worry, accidents happen. We are here to help.

A man with a black beanie standing on the train while looking at his phone
A man sitting at a dinning room table contemplating what to write on his laptop
A man sitting at a dinning room table contemplating what to write on his laptop
A close up of a man sitting at a dinning room table using his laptop
A man sitting at his dinning room table, drinking a coffee while he works at his laptop

How our claims work

Tell us what happened

Lodge a claim through our Support Centre, where we’ll ask you to provide a brief summary of what happened.

We’ll process your claim

We’ll review your claim and our clever tech will automatically run checks, designed to save you time.

You’ll hear from us

Some simple claims can be approved in minutes. If not, one of our team of experts will be in touch.